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Latest News: August 1, 2001
Finally, ALL of the lyrics are back up. Soon, I hope to have streaming audio clips of each song. I'm not sure of how soon I can have that done. I still need to finish updating the links, multimedia, and pictures pages. July 30, 2001 Well, we changed the site around yet again. Kinda reminds you of Fist Full of Bees? Hope you like it. So, what's new? (Hey where'd all the green and black go?) Well, the layout really hasn't changed too much. The tour date section is a little easier to read now. The Discography and Lyrics pages are a little different, but I've put some directions on it. If you have any suggestions as how to make those sections easier to navigate, send them in! The problems with the Song and Album Polls have been fixed. They open in a new browser window along with the Message Board, and the Guestbook. I've changed the links page so that they're all on one page. I guess that's all... Oh, we got some pictures of the band when they performed in Stone Mountain, GA. As soon as they are developed I'll be adding them. I am still working on remodeling the pictures pages (it's going to take a while to get all of the organized). As with any site update there are bound to be broken links. If you happen to spot any, please email us about them. Also, if there is anything else you think should be on the site but isn't, please drop us a line about that as well. This is supposed to be a fan based site for other fans as well as feedback for the band. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to be notified when the site changes, please send an email to with the word 'Subscribe' in the subject line. All emails that are sent through listserver keep your email address hidden to help prevent spam. |